Friday 7 September 2018

hi my name is Dennis and this is how to make a halloween themed pizza. this is the ingredients for the pizza. 

Friday 31 August 2018

Next week the whos are going to prepare food for a food tasting market. before we were allowed to prepare food we had to earn a food safety and hygiene certificate we had to past a kahoot test and we had to create a google slide about food safety and hygiene.  🕶+🙂=😎

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Bucket filling and bucket dipping 
By Dennis.K.     :(       :)  

Hi my name is Dennis and this is a wevideo that I made with my friend. It is about bucket filling and bucket dipping. 

What we have been using for filming:    Ipad    
What is bucket filling and dipping?:     bucket filling is when you say something nice or do something nice     
      bucket dipping is when you do something not nice or something bad.

Friday 3 August 2018

Last week the Whos did a cookie tasting experiment.  After eating each cookie we had to describe the cookie.  We ranked the senses from the most important senses to the least.  We collected the data and made grouped bar graph.  It is a graph that shows the rank for each senses.
By Dennis Kulikov:    30.07.18: Minecraft’ MOJANG.

Hi I’m Steve. I am 13 years old and I live in Los Angeles. I’m also a teenager. If you can’t tell I am in the world of minecraft! Minecraft is made out of blocks blocks and BLOCKS! You can also build really cool and amazing stuff. Seriesly guys… O.K. let’s move on. >>>>>                                                               Chapter 1   >The zombies<    Hi reader are you to read this book? Yeah… O.K. Then let’s go       once upon a time steve went to the woods next to his house. He went there to go camping. He was very surprised and amazed that he was going to the woods with his father. His eyes widened and dropped straight down. His father's name is james henray.  Then that night... When steve and his father were sleeping in there tents. A weird noise came rushing behind the trees and into steves ear. Rrrrrr!!! The noise roared. That sounds like ZOMBIES!!! Steve whispered.

moment in time  :)      A moment in time is where you tell 1 part of the story and make it interesting.   Adding detail.   highlighting the most interesting words of the story.

Friday 29 June 2018

cause: I charged my computer. effect: I could bring my computer to school. for this amazing we video I have been using music, cool backgrounds, characters with no background, and, sound effects. We learned that causes can be good and bad. 

Friday 25 May 2018

cause: Dennis kulikov was riding so fast on his pro scooter. Effect:He fell down.

Tic Tac Toe: Cartoon Strip Reflection.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

I learned to edit my work by trimming it uploading it and adding music.

Friday 6 April 2018

i'm learning to add two numbers together that add to 10