Friday 12 June 2020

𝘽𝙡𝙤𝙜 𝙋𝙤𝙨𝙩

For Writing this week me and my class have been working on evacuation imformation reports. I have't finished doing my plan for the information report yet but it will be finished soon.

For Maths this week me and my class practiced the grid method.
Multiplication - Long Multiplication and the Grid Method - 11-Plus ...
For reading this week me and my class were reading School Jornals.

For transform I made a evacuation suitcase and a evacuation letter.
Suitcase and Letter

Friday 28 February 2020

⧫ New Blog Post of 2020 ⧫
Hello this is my first Blog Post for 2020 plz enjoy

Writing 😃
For Writing Me and my class Room 24 had to write about a picture and this is what I writ
                             ⬇   It's pretty interesting and Scary at the same time.

Maths 😛
For Maths Me and my class had to solve this problem right here and this is what I have solved. ⬇ It wasn't to difficult but I gave it a try. 

Reading 😮
For Reading I did a book review. I had to write about my book I issued from the library and that book is called...  TOM GATES

Transform 😌
For Transform I did a Human Body Flip Book. It looks like this. The flip book is made out of 7 pieces of A4 Paper. My flip book has a drawing of the Human Skeleton, Human Brain and many more human body parts.

Wheels Day 😄
On Thursday 27th February 2020 me and my whole school had Wheels Day. Some people brought a bike and some people brought a scooter but me and 2 of my friends brought a skateboard.

Friday 25 October 2019

Blog Post Week 2 Term 4

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For Transform me and my class were learning how to survive if we were stuck in a forest or somewhere else. We are going to learn how to use compasses and how to create fire to keep yourself warm. We are also learning how to get food and water when we get lost and to build a shelter.

For Maths me and my class did our own Fraction Wall. I did not really finish it but I just 
decided to blog about what I have done so far

For Writing I did a Biography about myself. First I did the plan and then I started to write the Biography.

For Reading I am reading a novel called TOUGH ENOUGH. I am also writing about that novel in my novel study sheet.

Friday 26 July 2019

Blog post term 3 week 1

Blog post term 3 week 1

For writing me and my class had to choose a partner to work with and the teacher had to write words that people talk about on news like... Crime, health, weather and more. Me and my partner writ about crime because it was the first word that the teacher writ on the board.  
 Link to Writing

For maths my teacher printed out 3 pieces of paper and on the pieces of paper I had to write down the time correctly. There was questions about time on each side of the paper.     

For reading I did a booklet for term 3. I had to draw a drawing on a piece of A4 paper for the cover of my booklet. Inside the booklet was a bunch of work I had to do. 

For transform I created a airplane model out of cardboard. First I had to make a plan on a piece of A4 paper. Then I had to get cardboard and cut out the pieces to make my model. Then I had to hot glue all the pieces together. Then paint the model and add labels.

Thursday 4 July 2019

Blog post week 10 term 2

                                  Blog post week 10 term 2

Chunking in maths
I learned to use chunking in maths. At first it was kind of hard but then I got better at it.
The teacher had written a maths question in my maths book and I had to solve it by using chunking and the maths question was 138 divided by 6 and the answer was 23 and chunking had helped me out in that question.

For handwriting I had to use slope and this is what I had written.
Minions love writing in slope. they think it's fast, neat and they love it. Can you use slope? It's worth it!

For Transform I did complex sentences. This is what I know about complex sentences.
Complex sentences are independent clause. also you can add more than one dependent clause to a complex sentence and it's still considered a complex sentence.


Friday 5 April 2019

Survey 😉

This is my lost property survey. So far I have got 18 responses on my survey. People from school have been answering my questions as you can see on the picture above the writing. I like make surveys because other people can answer them.     

This is my free choice writing. It's about minecraft. The characters are Steve and Ghost. Steve is a human and Ghost is a dog. 

Friday 7 September 2018

hi my name is Dennis and this is how to make a halloween themed pizza. this is the ingredients for the pizza.