Friday 26 July 2019

Blog post term 3 week 1

Blog post term 3 week 1

For writing me and my class had to choose a partner to work with and the teacher had to write words that people talk about on news like... Crime, health, weather and more. Me and my partner writ about crime because it was the first word that the teacher writ on the board.  
 Link to Writing

For maths my teacher printed out 3 pieces of paper and on the pieces of paper I had to write down the time correctly. There was questions about time on each side of the paper.     

For reading I did a booklet for term 3. I had to draw a drawing on a piece of A4 paper for the cover of my booklet. Inside the booklet was a bunch of work I had to do. 

For transform I created a airplane model out of cardboard. First I had to make a plan on a piece of A4 paper. Then I had to get cardboard and cut out the pieces to make my model. Then I had to hot glue all the pieces together. Then paint the model and add labels.

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