Thursday 4 July 2019

Blog post week 10 term 2

                                  Blog post week 10 term 2

Chunking in maths
I learned to use chunking in maths. At first it was kind of hard but then I got better at it.
The teacher had written a maths question in my maths book and I had to solve it by using chunking and the maths question was 138 divided by 6 and the answer was 23 and chunking had helped me out in that question.

For handwriting I had to use slope and this is what I had written.
Minions love writing in slope. they think it's fast, neat and they love it. Can you use slope? It's worth it!

For Transform I did complex sentences. This is what I know about complex sentences.
Complex sentences are independent clause. also you can add more than one dependent clause to a complex sentence and it's still considered a complex sentence.


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