Friday 12 June 2020

𝘽𝙡𝙤𝙜 𝙋𝙤𝙨𝙩

For Writing this week me and my class have been working on evacuation imformation reports. I have't finished doing my plan for the information report yet but it will be finished soon.

For Maths this week me and my class practiced the grid method.
Multiplication - Long Multiplication and the Grid Method - 11-Plus ...
For reading this week me and my class were reading School Jornals.

For transform I made a evacuation suitcase and a evacuation letter.
Suitcase and Letter

Friday 28 February 2020

⧫ New Blog Post of 2020 ⧫
Hello this is my first Blog Post for 2020 plz enjoy

Writing 😃
For Writing Me and my class Room 24 had to write about a picture and this is what I writ
                             ⬇   It's pretty interesting and Scary at the same time.

Maths 😛
For Maths Me and my class had to solve this problem right here and this is what I have solved. ⬇ It wasn't to difficult but I gave it a try. 

Reading 😮
For Reading I did a book review. I had to write about my book I issued from the library and that book is called...  TOM GATES

Transform 😌
For Transform I did a Human Body Flip Book. It looks like this. The flip book is made out of 7 pieces of A4 Paper. My flip book has a drawing of the Human Skeleton, Human Brain and many more human body parts.

Wheels Day 😄
On Thursday 27th February 2020 me and my whole school had Wheels Day. Some people brought a bike and some people brought a scooter but me and 2 of my friends brought a skateboard.